Email Security

Email systems are vulnerable to hackers and scammers. Without protection in place, your business is susceptible to online attacks including spam, phishing, viruses and other malware. At TekHeros, we offer email and spam protection solutions that protect your business from email-borne threats and data leaks by managing and filtering all inbound and outbound email traffic.

  • Protect against email-borne threats – stop spam, viruses, worms, and other email-borne malware BEFORE they arrive in your inbox
  • Stop threats before they hit your network – by offloading CPU-intensive tasks like antivirus and Denial of Service filtering to the cloud to ensure that threats never reach your network perimeter
  • Ensure continuous email availability – in case of an outage, email is spooled for up to 96 hours, with an option to re-direct traffic to a secondary server
  • Protect sensitive data – encrypt sensitive emails on demand so that they cannot be viewed by outside parties
  • Simplify email security – cloud-based centralized management ensures that customized email protection is deployed in minutes and securing your email 24

Our cloud-native, API-based email security platform is continuously learning, detecting, and remediating advanced threats at the mailbox level, before and after email delivery.

A truly comprehensive email security solution empowers you to focus on your most important work instead of getting bogged down with complex solutions–or worse, suffering a phishing attack.

Prevent CEO fraud, supply chain attacks, invoice fraud, and other non-signature-based attacks in real-time.

  • Business Email Compromise
  • CEO, Vendor and Employee Impersonations
  • Spear Phishing and Credential Theft
  • Supply Chain Attacks
  • Internal Phishing

TekHeros performs anti-phishing simulations and customized training based on real-time data and real-world situations to empower your team to recognize, report, and resolve attacks.

  • Scan back 90-days to find and remove idle threats lying in your inboxes
  • Automatically simulate real phishing scenarios against your employees
  • Educate your employees with enterprise training and awareness
  • Test your email perimeter phishing defenses using real-world phishing threats