About the author : techherosupport

Improve email security by detecting any email-borne threat before it reaches your inbox

At TekHeros we work tirelessly to keep our clients safe from cyberattacks. We believe that the first step to safeguarding your business is by applying the most advanced approach to email security.

Inbox attack is the first step to hackers gaining access to your network, and with the advances in AI technology we have seen a sharp spike account takeovers, spoofing and cyberattacks.  It is of the utmost importance to safeguard your business email to prevent further malware and cryptoattacks getting through to your employees and clients.

Next-generation dynamic detection:

We have worked hard to deploy the most cutting edge, next-gen email security solution with the highest detection rates and lowest false positives on the market and have seen an incredible reduction of email threats.

Spam filter:

Block malicious communication with anti-spam and reputation-based filters, leveraging the combined data of several market-leading technologies.

Account Takeover:

Intercept account takeover attempts — Be prepared to prevent, detect and rapidly respond. Your employees are protected against ATO more than ever before by preventing attackers from phishing credentials; monitoring email accounts for anomalies and suggesting a compromise; and ensuring fast remediation and account containment by the incident response team, in the event of account takeover.

Threat intelligence:

Stay ahead of emerging threats with the combined threat intelligence of six market-leading sources and TekHero’s unique engine that scans URLs and files.

Anti-phishing engines:

Detect malicious URLs based on four leading URL reputation engines in combination with advanced image recognition technology to validate the legitimacy of URLs.


Detect malicious hidden content by recursively unpacking the content into smaller units which are then dynamically checked by multiple engines in under 30 seconds, compared to 20+ minutes for legacy solutions.


Prevent attacks such as spoofing, look-alike domain, and display name deception with unmatched precision through machine-learning algorithms with IP reputation, SPF, DKIM, and DMARC record checks.

About the author : techherosupport

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